Wok In Progress Kickstarter Successfully Funded
Wok In Progress Kickstarter Successfully Funded

You helped us reach our funding goal! Thank you sooo much for everything; for the pledges, of course, but also for sharing Wok In Progress with your friends and for the words of encouragement. We’ve learned that every bit helps when it comes to not only crowdfunding but life itself. It’s amazing what we can achieve together.

It’s been an beautiful journey, but the path doesn’t end here. We look forward to discovering what lies ahead with you. Stay tuned.

3 Hours To Go

3 Hours Left In The Wok In Progress Kickstarter
Did you know you can get your very own Wok In Progress wok as a reward for pledging $75?

3 more hours left in our sitcom’s Kickstarter! We still need to raise $1,765 to be able to keep the rest of the money we raised. NASA (nerds analysing sh*tty analytics) still thinks we are on target! Stretch goals coming soon! Please pledge if you haven’t already, and be sure to share your passion for our sitcom with your friends:

With 3 hours to go NASA (nerds analysing sh*tty analytics) says things are looking good. Stretch goals coming soon!

4 More Hours!

4 more hours left in the Wok In Progress Kickstarter
4 more hours left in our Wok In Progress Kickstarter! We’re still short $1,820, but NASA (nerds analysing sh*tty analytics) thinks we are still looking good! Look for stretch goals coming soon! Please pledge if you haven’t already, and be sure to share your passion for our sitcom with your friends.

With 5 hours to go NASA (nerds analysing sh*tty analytics) says things are looking good. Stretch goals coming soon!

5 Hours To Go

We have 5 hours left to raise at least $2,080, dear fans of Wok In Progress. Please pledge, if you haven’t already, and by all means share our Kickstarter with your friends: Thank you! You rock!

With 5 hours to go NASA (nerds analysing sh*tty analytics) says things are looking good. Stretch goals coming soon!

Sound Stage Inspection

Huili County mayor Li Ningyi and vice-mayor Tang Xiaobing are inspecting the soon-to-be constructed sets for Wok In Progress in a sound stage in the north of Beijing with some of the cast and crew
Huili County mayor Li Ningyi and vice-mayor Tang Xiaobing are inspecting the soon-to-be constructed sets for Wok In Progress in a sound stage in the north of Beijing with some of the cast and crew
Huili County mayor Li Ningyi and vice-mayor Tang Xiaobing are inspecting the soon-to-be constructed sets for Wok In Progress in a sound stage in the north of Beijing with some of the cast and crew

Huili County mayor Li Ningyi and vice-mayor Tang Xiaobing are inspecting the soon-to-be constructed sets for Wok In Progress in a sound stage in the north of Beijing with some of the cast and crew. Mayor Li Ningyi had this to say, “Serve the Wok In Progress Kickstarter!” You heard the man. Our Kickstarter is here: Pledge, share or both.

Yes, this is where we’ll be filming most of the interior scenes for Wok In Progress. After Huili County mayor Li Ningyi and vice-mayor Tang Xiaobing are done with their sound stage inspection, of course.

50% and 1 Week To Go

Half To Our Kickstarter Funding Goal With 1 Week To Go
Good news! We are past the half way point in our Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign. Unfortunately, we have just one week to reach our funding goal. If we don’t reach our funding goal, we don’t get anything. Nada. Nix. You will all get your pledges back, but won’t get any cool rewards. Sucks for everyone, right? What used to be a marathon has become a sprint for the finish line. You know those guys handing out cups of water to the runners at marathons?  We need you to do the same.

Thanks so much to everyone who’s already shouted encouragement at us, patted us on the back; handed us cups, buckets, 5-liter jugs, and frickin’ barrels of water. Please pledge, if you haven’t already. If you aren’t pledging, please help us spread the word.

Check our Kickstarter campaign here:

Kickstarter Meet & Greet

South African Wine Tasting & Wok In Progress Kickstarter Meet & Greet | Sun., Sept. 13, 2015 @ Pinotage

South African Wine Tasting
Wok In Progress Kickstarter Meet & Greet
Sun., Sept. 13, 2015 @ Pinotage

Come to Pinotage to try 30 different South African wines for only RMB10 per tasting glass. Meet Murray Walker, the South African actor known for his roles in Legendary, an English-Chinese co-production and Dragonblade, China’s biggest budget movie. He also stars in Wok In Progress, the upcoming bilingual sitcom, which he also wrote and is the co-creator of. Wok In Progress is in the midst of a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign to raise money to produce the entire series. Ask Murray anything about his sitcom, Kickstarter and more.

PLEASE RSVP: danwei[at]wokinprogress[dot]info

WOK IN PROGRESS is about the adventures and misadventures of two college drop-outs from the U.S. as they arrive in Beijing for the first time. At the same time, a noodle shop owner/would-be landlord and his gorgeous daughter struggle to make sense of these two “laowai” (foreigners). For more information about Wok In Progress, visit:

Haven’t seen the pilot episode’s trailer yet? Check it out here:

Kickstarter is a funding platform for creative projects. It’s the world’s largest of its kind. Everything from films, games, and music to art, design, and technology. Kickstarter is full of ambitious, innovative, and imaginative projects that are brought to life through the direct support of people like you! Find out more about the Wok In Progress Kickstarter here:

Questions About Kickstarter?


12 Dongzhimen Waidajie
Dongmen Building, opposite the Qatar Embassy
朝阳区东直门外大街12号东门小楼 (三里屯酒吧街北口,卡塔尔大使馆对面
5785 3538 / 5785 3539

Prefundia Kickstarter Preview

Wok In Progress Prefundia Preview
We are launching our global Kickstarter campaign in Beijing, China at 4corners on August 21, 2015 at 22:00 (China Time). In the meantime, if you would like to preview what our Kickstarter will look like, please visit our Prefundia Kickstarter Preview page:

Help us bring “Wok In Progress” to life. Sign up to get early and exclusive notification of the “Wok In Progress” Kickstarter launch. Refer 5 of your friends, and you’ll get to watch the first 6 episodes free! Plus, the person who refers the most friends wins a $100 Visa giftcard, and we’re upping the ante; you will also get a small speaking role in an upcoming episode. You will have to find your own way to the set though.



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